
Personified Interiors by Jamie Racutt specializes in the development of design perspectives that make a creative statement about you. Interior designs are ultimately a unique interpretation of you and your lifestyle. Your home is your haven. Its design should be functional, comforting and inspired. My full service interior design studio offers competitive pricing and varied design options to suit all needs and budgets.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Living Room - Before and After

Before and after pictures of a residential living room. Click the pictures to view larger versions of the photos with more detail.

Living Room - Before
Living Room - After
Living Room - Before
Living Room - After
Living Room - Before
Living Room - After
Living Room - After
Living Room - After

Kitchen and Dining Room - Before and After

Before and after pictures of a residential kitchen and dining room. Click the pictures to view larger versions of the photos with more detail.

Kitchen - Before
Kitchen - After
Kitchen - Before
Kitchen - After
Dining Room - Before
Dining Room - After

Baby's Room - Before and After

Designs and pics for a baby's room...before and after! Click the images for larger versions.

Baby's Room - Before
Baby's Room - Before

Baby's Room - After
Baby's Room - After

Baby's Room - After

Baby's Room - Before
Baby's Room - Before
Baby's Room - After
Baby's Room - After